The Romans built roads, aqueduct, and bridges. We also build many buildings and bridges
Roman Empire together were justice, tolerance and desire for peace, influence countless generations. Roman jewelry reflected both the Hellenistic influence and the Eastern taste for colored stones, glass beads, bronze. This thing really influenced us here we have manu kinds of stones and jewelries. Silver here is rampant. Gold is also rampant in other countries like Arab Emirates.
The Romans qualities of pietas (sense of duty), gravitas (seriousness of purpose), and dignitas (sense of personal worth) remain ideals for peoples everywhere.
The influence of Rman Engeenering and Architecture didn't last. Actually Roman really helps us to build structures ther influencd us how to architect a strong foundation of buildings, bridges and roads. The first thing the Romans did upon entering a new region, after winning the war that gained them their new territory, was construct roads and bridges.These buildings were superior to anything else that had been or was being built, which helped Rome keep the territory it had conquered.
This how Roman influenced us
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