Oftentimes, we fail to realize how great God's love is. But now I really appreciate all of his sacrifices for us. There are no exceptions. People lie, steal, kill, fornicate, ignore God, use his name in vain and do much evil but he gave us righteousness, or purification from sin. The result of the death of Christ was that all those sins he have been paid for. He is our savior all of the time. The blood of Jesus is sufficient to cover every person’s sin, past, present and future. No one can sacrifice there life like what Jesus Christ did.
Before Jesus Christ was crucifixed he faced and experienced many trials and challenges to paid for all the sins that we comitted. Even he know that were all sinners he stll saves us because he loves us.
Jesus Christ was hitted by 2 mens using broken glass. His skin was peel off his whole body was ruin and his whole body was covered by blood. But before that his 2 hands were in chained. He also hurt by many people even her mother can't do anything for his son. He carried huge and heavy cross were he need to crucifix. When Jesus died on the cross, all of our sins were imputed to Him. He also buried.
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