Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Teachings Of Confucianism

So first who is Confucius?

Confucius Also known as Kung Fu Tze better known in the west as confucius. He is a primarily a social philosopher. was born in 551 BCE in the state of Lu modern day Shantung Province. He lived during the Chou Dynasty, an era known for its ethical vigilance. Later in life, he wandered through many states of China, giving suggestions to their rulers. He accumulated a small band of students during this time. The last years of his life were spent back in Lu, where he dedicated himself to teaching.

His writings deal primarily with individual morality and ethics, and the proper exercise of political power by the rulers.

Confucianism's teachings is base on his belief. He taught that people would act in a proper manner the evil in the world would disappear. That is his belief. I think he is a good teacher the way he teach is base on faith and the way his teachings is really good by making people in a good manner. He don't want Evil lives with us. His thoughts centered on the duties of the individual within the society. His students also collected his sayings in a book called "Analects". Base on what I have searched he use his own intelligence, he use his learnings and moral development in his teachings. That's amazing because being a teacher is really hard. He teaching disciples and editing ancient classics, because he is expecting that the disciples would carry on his will and bring his teachings on the later generations. Sacrificial dances and music also offered to Confucius. Confucius says "Man who walk through airport turnstile sideways going to bangkok". I dont know what it really means but I believe that every sayings of him, there is a deep meaning and explanations. That's how amazing Confucius is. A really amazing Teacher and disciple.

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