We are the Wild Juniors of Graceland Christian College. They say we were the most notorious and tremendouz students among the other students. But we were joyful and softed heart. Each of us has different talents and intelligence. Sometimes we argue but we settle it by ourselves sometimes not. Sometimes we make teachers cry because of our mischievousness. But we can also make them happy and smile by our cracking jokes. I should say that the juniors is the most joyful and funny students.
Sir. Noel Delos Reyes- Our the best adviser. He is funny and always smiling. He gives his full trust on Juniors. He teach us very well. And last he is very generous.
Let's start with the girls.
*Kimberly- She is the most crazy girl among the third year girls.. [Haha] and she hates cockroaches.
*Aprille- I think most of the girls she is the one who laughs most of the time. She loves make-up.
*Andrea- The muse of the class. And the well groom student in third year. And has a flexible body.
*Jonah- She is quiet fat but she can bend. Always laugphing and smiling.
*Jemima- The smartest in Third year class. All of us is asking for help most of the time when we don't understand some of the subjects.
*Ronnelyn- The dancer of the class. I think she loves gadgets and most of the time she hears to musics.
*Jenny- Loves to put powder on her face. And Always facing the mirror. She loves cosplay and she also love sto draw anime.
*Sam- Among the girls I think she is the most diligent most specially in House work. Loves to read book and to draw.
*Yhenbee- The tallest in the girls. Know how to play guitar. A dancer and an artist.
*Rhaine- Also a dancer and know how to play drums. She is thin but she is strong.
*Caryljae- one of the smartest in Juniors. The most well groom and neat in class. Loves to play guitar. Has a straight hair and she is really nice.
*Angelica- the one who is doing this. I think I'm the most cuttest among the girls [haha]. The smallest in third year girls. Has a fair skin tone. Loves to draw and cook.
"The Boys"
*Eliah- Except for Earl he is also silent. Sometimes he is weird because I don't really know what is inside of him.
*Ricardo- He is funniest among the guys. He laupghs aloud he makes his classmates smile and laugphs becasue of his funny face.
*R-J- He is also silent but sometimes he is also mischievous. He don't want to be with some guys because I think he didn't like there attitiudes.
*Joshua- He is gross but he is smart. He is my first enemy when I'm already one of the students in GCC. He is always farting and burping inside the classroom.
*Earl- He is also weird sometimes but he is nice he is generous sometimes. He has a good and neat handwritings
*Isaac- He is the most war freak guy in our class. He is mischievous but he is the smallest among the guys.
*Claude- He is known as "Silent but deadly" , why? i'ts because he is silent but you didn't know what's inside of him. I think he has many secrets.
*Allen- The most funniest guy in Wild Juniors because of his cracking jokes and funny face. He
has white teeth but dark complexion. He said he is cute. [haha]
*Nataniel- The most kind and faithful guy in our class.
*Asiel- The most honest in guys. He is humble [haha] Second to the tallest. I call him Daddy long legs because he has long legs.
*Chester- The most well-groom among the guys. He dont like people who has different attitude. He hates playgirl. The tallest in our classroom.
*Mcneil- A boy with braises. He is good in car racing and target shooting.
*Christopher- He is the rapper of the room.
*Lawrence- He is also wierd. He is also warfreak and he loves slip knot.
*Gideon- he is the nephew of Alex Tinsay he has a good speech and best in spelling. He is also good in Fliptop.
*Marc- The dancer in room. Loves to play rubick's cube. He is our Choreographer.
This is the "Wild Junior" very talented and joyful. :))
"Passion To Fight For Every Action"